I’m Learning To Be Okay With the Things I Can’t Fix

As a mom, it’s always hard when there are things I can’t fix for my children. In February, Ari injured his scapholunate ligament while playing lacrosse, but he wanted to finish the season. We had X-rays done, and since it wasn’t broken, Ari continued to play. But the pain never went away. And as a […]

Are You Spending Quality Time With the Ones You Love?

Time is a valuable commodity, which makes quality time even more important. Too often, we let distractions and other less-important activities get in the way of our relationships with those we love. I get that life is busy, and there are always so many things to do. But as we move into the summer months, […]

Vulnerability is the Key to Authentic Connection and Growth

In a world that often glorifies strength, self-reliance, and perfection, vulnerability is often seen as a weakness. Too many people strive to portray an image of invincibility, afraid that exposing their true selves may lead to judgment, rejection, or disappointment. However, through my own experience, I’ve learned that it is through embracing vulnerability that we […]

10 Simple Strategies for Managing Stress

Managing stress can be a challenge, especially in today’s fast-paced world. As a busy professional and a parent of six children, finding peace in chaos has been a constant struggle for me. Between work, family, and personal obligations, it can be difficult to manage the stress and overwhelm that comes with a busy life. To […]

Never Underestimate the Power of Your Words

Words are one of the most powerful tools we possess. Your words have power. Because of this—it’s important to recognize that words matter. I don’t think that many people take the time to really think about how powerful their words can be. One positive or negative word from us to another person can affect their […]

Redefining Failure: The Benefits of Embracing Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of life. Whether we like it or not, there will be difficulties and obstacles along the way. But it’s important to remember that challenges don’t have to be a negative thing. They can be wonderful opportunities for our learning and growth. By embracing our challenges and finding the lesson in […]

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

As a mother, an author, and a motivational speaker, I absolutely believe in the power of positive self-talk. The words we say matter. Every word we speak or think about ourselves can have a significant impact on our confidence and self-esteem. If we constantly put ourselves down or doubt our abilities, it can hold us […]

Loving a Pet is One of Life’s Greatest Treasures

If you don’t have a pet in your life, it’s sometimes difficult to understand how close people can become to their animals. The death of a pet often feels like the death of a family member. Last week, we lost our dog of 15 years. Her name was Keina. Keina came from our pediatrician who […]

Why the Passover Should Matter to You

Passover began this week. Since it’s such an important holiday for the Jewish people, I wanted to share a little bit about what Passover is and how it relates to freedom. Passover is an important Jewish festival. It commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt and the Israelites’ emancipation from slavery. It is celebrated in the […]