An Important Key to Parenting Adults

As the mother of both adults and teenagers, I’m learning that parenting adults is much different than parenting my teenagers. To be honest, I have the same overall concern for both my teenagers and adults. I don’t want my children to make the same mistakes I did. I’m sure that most parents can relate. But […]

The Challenges of Living Life with Insomnia

If you struggle with insomnia, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, close to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. And 30-50% of adults experience short-term insomnia, the most common sleep disorder. Chronic insomnia disorder, which leads to distress and impairment in accomplishing everyday activities, affects 10-15% of the population. While […]

Life Can Be Challenging But Let’s Face It With a Smile

You may think that a smile is overrated, but I have witnessed just the opposite. I have just lived through Hurricane Ian. The devastation I have seen because of this horrific natural disaster is pretty significant. But I’ve also witnessed so much good. I have seen people who have lost everything face each day with […]

The Vital Lesson I Learned from Hurricane Ian

The past week or so has been a bit of a blur as we geared up for Hurricane Ian and are now left with the devastation that has come from it. I feel incredibly lucky that my city is still standing. Sarasota should have been destroyed by this storm based on all the reports that […]

Seasons Change and So Do We

I love it when the seasons change. It’s a good representation of life. Things are always changing. Enjoying those changes when they come is what makes life so special. Today is the first day of Fall. Now, living in Sarasota, Florida, that doesn’t say much. It’s still 90 degrees outside and 100% humidity. For me, […]

How to Have a Good Day Every Day

Everyone wants to have a good day. But very few actually know that they are the key to making it happen for themselves. As I look around at the world and its people, I see a lot of sadness, a lot of fear, and a lot of uncertainty about the future. But being the optimist […]

Age is just a number, but the experience is priceless

I truly believe that age is just a number. My husband recently celebrated his 60th birthday. We were fortunate to have been able to take a weekend away with some of our good friends and really enjoy some downtime. Because my husband is the first in our friend group to turn 60, there were plenty […]

10 Powerful Life Lessons About Your Journey

There are so many life lessons I’ve learned in my fifty years of living. From motherhood and adoption to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and Machu Pichu to being an entrepreneur and a speaker—the knowledge and experience I’ve gained are priceless. While some of the lessons I’ve learned have been just for me, I feel that others […]

What I’ve learned after 29 years of marriage

After 29 years of marriage, it finally happened. At three o’clock in the morning, as I went into the bathroom with the light off and my eyes half closed, I assumed the toilet seat would be down. But I was wrong—and I fell into the toilet!                     The seat has always been down. It’s just something […]

The What’s Next Versus What’s Now Mindset

My whole life, I have kept a strong focus on what’s next. It’s constantly on my mind. But this past summer, I made a conscious decision to change my mindset. Stop focusing on what’s next and pay more attention to what’s now. Now that we only have three kids at home, things have really slowed […]