Kindness is Never Wasted

Kindness is exactly what the world needs today. We are two years into a worldwide pandemic while Russia invades Ukraine and the whole world watches in disbelief. Tensions are high and patience is wearing thin in almost every aspect of life. Kindness needs to be a natural part of who we are. This is the […]

Success is Possible But it Takes Time

While it’s true that success is possible, it’s equally true that success won’t come overnight. Rome wasn’t built in a day and life is a day-to-day journey. It takes time to get things right. Any destination worth visiting is worth the time and effort it takes to get there. Last December, I had the opportunity […]

5 Hard Things About Being a Mom

Being a mom is difficult to express in words. “Have a kid,” they said. “It will be fun!” they said. And while “they” were right, being a mom is also the hardest job I’ve ever had. Here are the five hardest things I’ve discovered about being a mom. There is no handbook for motherhood. Without […]

5 Lessons I Learned From Doing Hard Things

We all know that doing hard things is an inevitable part of life. But something pretty remarkable happens when we face hard things with a positive perspective. Not only do we gain valuable experience and grow into a better version of ourselves, but if we pay attention, we can learn valuable lessons that will follow […]

Live Your Best Life in 10 Easy Steps

Are you ready to live your best life? The journey to a better tomorrow begins with the steps you take today. Life is hard and the world seems upside down right now. There are so many societal pressures, economic pressures, and even the challenging pressures of day-to-day living that give us the feeling that we […]

The Jewish Practice of Tikkun Olam

Given recent events with the hostage standoff in a Jewish synagogue in Texas, I feel a deep desire to share my view of Judaism. But before I do, I want to first admit that I really struggle with understanding how anyone can want to hurt someone or hate someone just because of who they are. […]

Why Affirmations are a Good Idea

Affirmations have become a game-changer in my life. According to research, affirmations can increase an individual’s well-being, decrease a person’s stress level, help to improve a student’s academic performance, and can be used as a catalyst for behavior change. But if you would have asked me ten years ago, I would have told you that […]

6 Easy Ways to Make Time For Yourself

What are you going to do to make time for yourself this year? It’s the beginning of a new year. And with that new year comes brand new days, hours, and minutes that are just waiting to be filled with adventure. But in all the adventures you are planning this year, I hope that you […]

5 Reasons I No Longer Set New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time again where New Year’s resolutions are on the minds of many. We’re nearing the end of our holiday celebrations and the year is quickly winding to a close.  As we look forward to a new year and new beginnings, many people are going through the motions of declaring their own New Year’s […]

Do You Know the Key to a Joyful Life?

A joyful life is something we all want. But as we continue to ride out a worldwide pandemic and battle with life’s demands, the joy we’re looking for is sometimes hard to find. But it doesn’t have to be. As Joseph Campbell once said, “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose […]