Patience Is the Ultimate Act of Kindness

Patience is a virtue, they say. But it’s often a challenge, especially when we’re learning to be patient with those around us. Patience Is Rarely Easy This week, I’m on vacation in Arizona. And while I was on the plane, I found myself in one of those situations where it really hit home just how […]

Overcoming Procrastination: Tips and Tricks

Procrastination is a common struggle for many of us. Whether it’s delaying a work project, putting off household chores, or postponing personal goals, procrastination can frustrate our productivity and cause unnecessary stress. The good news is that with the right strategies, you can overcome procrastination and get back on track. But before diving into the […]

Understanding Stress and How To Tackle It

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s related to work, relationships, health, or personal issues, everyone experiences stress at some point. The Trouble With Stress Stress is the body’s response to any demand or threat, real or perceived. When we get into a stressful situation, our bodies go into a “fight-or-flight” mode, releasing […]

Breaking Bad Habits and Forming Good Ones

We all have habits. Some are good, like brushing our teeth every morning. Others, well, not so much. Maybe you bite your nails, procrastinate, or reach for junk food when stressed. I get it. I have my own bad habits that I’m trying to break. Breaking bad habits and forming good ones is a journey […]

How to Cultivate Curiosity and Lifelong Learning

This week, I am participating in a continuing education program. This experience has got me thinking about the importance of lifelong learning. Today’s world is changing rapidly. And the ability to learn new things and adapt to new circumstances is more important than we might realize. Cultivating curiosity and committing to lifelong learning can really […]

Here’s How to Beat Decision-Making Paralysis

Decision-making paralysis is real. And it can keep us stuck and unable to move forward. Have you ever found yourself stuck in the loop of indecision, unable to make a choice, no matter how hard you try? You’re not alone. This is what’s known as decision-making paralysis. It’s the inability to make a decision when […]

How to Make the Best of Missed Opportunities

We’ve all experienced missed opportunities—those moments when we look back and think, “If only I had taken that chance.” Often, these missed opportunities can bring feelings of regret and frustration. But if we look at them differently, these experiences can also offer valuable lessons and new perspectives. By changing how we view missed opportunities, we […]

How To Navigate Change with Courage and Grace

No matter what season we are in, our ability to navigate change is a valuable skill set. It seems that the older I get, the more I see that change is important—even though it’s hard sometimes. Change is Happening All Around Us We have a lot going on in our household right now. Olivia is […]

No Matter What Happens, Never Stop Trying

Never stop trying. These are important words to live by. Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball, and all we want to do is quit the game. We’re afraid of failure, so we want to stop trying. But what good would that really do? If you quit the game early, how will you ever know […]

Ten Strategies for Staying Calm in Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. You may have a disagreement with a coworker. There may be a misunderstanding with a friend. Or you could have a heated debate with a family member. No matter the reason, conflicts can easily escalate if not handled with care. Remaining calm in the face of conflict is […]