Welcome to My Blog

This is your guide to harnessing unshakeable confidence from the inside out. If you're ready to conquer your impossible goals, this blog is your playbook to navigating life with confidence and resilience.

Be Grateful For the Simple Things in Life

Being grateful is something we all have to work at. Gratitude is not something that just comes easily to a lot of people. But when we choose to be grateful [...]

The Positive Power of Acceptance

Throughout my life, I have learned the power that comes from an attitude of acceptance. Having an attitude of acceptance can change almost any circumstance and neutralize tough situations. For [...]

Why Grace is My Word of the Year

At the end of every year, many word organizations come out with their word of the year. A word of the year generally sums up the past twelve months. Merriam [...]

Creating Connections Brings a Greater Perspective

The older I get, the more my perspective of the world changes. This certainly could be because the world is changing. But I think it’s more because I am changing. [...]

The Importance of Receiving—Not Just Giving

This time of year is known as a season of giving for many. Although my family is Jewish, this season is still a time of family, love, connection, and service [...]

The Power and Perils of Social Media

Social media is everywhere. And because social media is everywhere, we are being watched all the time. I’m not saying that in a creepy way—it’s actually truer than we may [...]

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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Discover Your Confidence Archetype

Take the first step towards unlocking unshakeable confidence by understanding your natural abilities and opportunities for growth.

Her Unshakeable Confidence

Follow Your Own Path, Discover Your Own Journey​