The Power of Compassionate Communication

Communication is an important part of human connection. It determines the quality of our relationships and influences the way we relate to others. And while effective communication is essential for healthy interactions, compassionate communication is vital. Compassionate Communication is More Than Just Talk. Words are an important part of communication. But compassionate communication goes beyond […]

Things They Don’t Tell You When You Become a Parent

Become a parent, they said. It will be fun, they said. But what they don’t tell you is how hard being a parent really is. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the best thing I’ve done in my life, other than marrying my husband. Being a wife and mother are definitely the top […]

Finding Joy and Connection Through Laughter

As a mother, one of my favorite sounds is children’s laughter. There’s just something about it that makes my heart laugh with them. When you hear someone laugh joyfully, there is something from deep inside that makes you want to join them. Laughter Lifts Heavy Hearts. In a world filled with stress and uncertainty, laughter […]

Harnessing the Power of Positive Self-Talk

Through the years, I’ve found that positive self-talk is really what drives everything else. Our minds are powerful tools that can shape our reality. The way we talk to ourselves has a direct impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Positive self-talk is something we can easily do, and it can have huge benefits. It’s […]

Here’s What to Do When Things Don’t Go Our Way

Sometimes, things don’t go our way. We have an idea of how we think things are going to go. But in the end, life rarely goes exactly as we think it will. When things don’t go our way, we have a choice. On Monday, Olivia went to Buffalo to see the solar eclipse. After all, […]

How to Be Fully Present for Others

With so many distractions and competing demands for our attention, it can be challenging to be fully present for the people in our lives. But being fully present is an important gift we can give to the people around us. Being fully present is about connection. To be truly present means giving others our undivided […]

Four Ways to Find Stillness in a Fast-Paced World

I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s a struggle to find stillness in today’s fast-paced world. It often feels like we’re constantly on the move, rushing from one task to the next with little time to pause and catch our breath. The demands of work, family, and social obligations can leave us feeling […]

The Purpose and Power of Saying No

Saying no is never an easy thing to do. But it is absolutely a skill we need to learn and master. Saying yes to everything is detrimental. When I was younger, I would say yes to every volunteer opportunity that came along. I would say yes to bringing snacks for the kids’ school. When they […]

Empathy in Action: Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a quality I hold dear, especially in today’s world, where there just doesn’t seem to be enough of it. Empathy is About Connection Empathy is more than just a passive emotion. It’s an active practice that requires us to step outside of […]

The Real Beauty of Embracing Imperfection

The definition of imperfection literally means “a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.” Is it any wonder that with a definition like that, we spend most of our lives trying to overcome our flaws and seek perfection? And in a world filled with images of perfection, it’s easy to feel inadequate and strive for that unattainable […]