Finding Joy and Connection Through Laughter

As a mother, one of my favorite sounds is children’s laughter. There’s just something about it that makes my heart laugh with them. When you hear someone laugh joyfully, there is something from deep inside that makes you want to join them. Laughter Lifts Heavy Hearts. In a world filled with stress and uncertainty, laughter […]

How to Be Fully Present for Others

With so many distractions and competing demands for our attention, it can be challenging to be fully present for the people in our lives. But being fully present is an important gift we can give to the people around us. Being fully present is about connection. To be truly present means giving others our undivided […]

Empathy in Action: Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a quality I hold dear, especially in today’s world, where there just doesn’t seem to be enough of it. Empathy is About Connection Empathy is more than just a passive emotion. It’s an active practice that requires us to step outside of […]

Cracking the Code to Greater Happiness

Recently, Olivia and I did a podcast on happiness. We discovered that when you look at statistics on happiness, they are very interesting. Obviously, most things are subjective. I mean, how do you really compare happiness? But still, there are several studies that show there is a science to happiness. We have the ability to […]

Why CONNECTION is My Word of Focus for 2024

With so much going on in today’s world, and since the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel it’s fair to say that we are lacking connection both as a society and as individuals. This is why I’ve decided to make 2024 a year of connection. Connection is a Bridge In my experience, I have found that connection […]

The Indispensable Value of Female Friendships

Through the years, I’ve learned that female friendships are irreplaceable. These relationships offer support, understanding, empowerment, and a sense of community that is unique and desperately needed in today’s world. I have been very fortunate as I’ve got older to have some really great girlfriends. As a matter of fact, this week, I am going […]

Traveling Can Broaden Your Horizons and Feed Your Soul

I love traveling to new and exotic places. Through the years, I have had the incredible opportunity to travel to many different places all over the world. There is something magical about stepping out of your comfort zone, immersing yourself in unfamiliar cultures, and embracing something new and unknown. Travel has the amazing power to […]

Are You Spending Quality Time With the Ones You Love?

Time is a valuable commodity, which makes quality time even more important. Too often, we let distractions and other less-important activities get in the way of our relationships with those we love. I get that life is busy, and there are always so many things to do. But as we move into the summer months, […]

Good Questions Lead to Great Conversations

In any conversation, the questions you ask matter. I recently presented at a board training in New Jersey. The night before the training, I attended an event where I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people. With the exception of only one person, everyone’s first question to me was, “How are you?” […]

The Remarkable Power of Friendship

Friendship is one of those things that I never want to take for granted. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to a conference and meet up with some of my closest friends in the world. Most of these women I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. For me, it was such a wonderful reminder […]