6 Easy Ways to Make Time For Yourself

What are you going to do to make time for yourself this year? It’s the beginning of a new year. And with that new year comes brand new days, hours, and minutes that are just waiting to be filled with adventure. But in all the adventures you are planning this year, I hope that you […]

4 Reasons We Need to Stop Being So Hard On Ourselves

Being hard on ourselves is something most of us do without even really thinking about it. For years this was a serious struggle for me. I would not give myself a break. Every morning, looking in the mirror, I would be constantly disappointed and unhappy with what I saw. It wasn’t just my body image—it […]

7 Simple Ways to Love Yourself Better

Love yourself—just two simple words but they pack so much meaning. For some, learning to love yourself may be easy. For others, it may be one of the hardest things you have ever tried to do. After all, we know more about who we are than anyone else. We know our weaknesses, our bad habits, […]