Harnessing the Power of Positive Self-Talk

Through the years, I’ve found that positive self-talk is really what drives everything else. Our minds are powerful tools that can shape our reality. The way we talk to ourselves has a direct impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Positive self-talk is something we can easily do, and it can have huge benefits. It’s […]
Overcome Life’s Challenges By Mastering Resilience

With hurricane season upon us here in Florida, my mind often comes back to the power of resilience. I am always amazed at how the community bands together to face any challenge head-on. I have learned that resilience is the cornerstone of overcoming challenges. It’s the ability to bend without breaking and to adapt in […]
There’s No Such Thing as a Balanced Life

I have tried my entire life to live a more balanced life. But it never seems to happen. In my book, The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You, I wrote about a happily unbalanced life and striving to find balance in that happily unbalanced life. But the more time goes on and the demands on my time increase, […]
The Positive Power of Acceptance

Throughout my life, I have learned the power that comes from an attitude of acceptance. Having an attitude of acceptance can change almost any circumstance and neutralize tough situations. For example, when I am sitting in traffic, I can get upset, or I can accept what is and listen to a good podcast or look […]
Why Grace is My Word of the Year

At the end of every year, many word organizations come out with their word of the year. A word of the year generally sums up the past twelve months. Merriam Webster’s word of the year for 2022 was gaslighting. The Oxford English Dictionary’s word of the year was goblin mode. And the word of the […]
Experience The Healing Power of Gratitude

I’ve always loved this time of year when we focus a little more on gratitude and a little less on things that aren’t as important. To me, gratitude isn’t just for November, it should be something we are doing all year long. Each night I review what I’m grateful for, and this has made such […]
The Challenges of Living Life with Insomnia

If you struggle with insomnia, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, close to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. And 30-50% of adults experience short-term insomnia, the most common sleep disorder. Chronic insomnia disorder, which leads to distress and impairment in accomplishing everyday activities, affects 10-15% of the population. While […]
4 Ways to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Feeling comfortable in your own skin isn’t about what you look like. It’s about loving who you are. With social media selfies of seemingly perfect people, it’s hard not to compare yourself to what looks like a picture of perfection. Not to mention the fact that with technology, digital photographers can actually create the perfect […]
Why Affirmations are a Good Idea

Affirmations have become a game-changer in my life. According to research, affirmations can increase an individual’s well-being, decrease a person’s stress level, help to improve a student’s academic performance, and can be used as a catalyst for behavior change. But if you would have asked me ten years ago, I would have told you that […]