10 Powerful Life Lessons About Your Journey

There are so many life lessons I’ve learned in my fifty years of living. From motherhood and adoption to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and Machu Pichu to being an entrepreneur and a speaker—the knowledge and experience I’ve gained are priceless. While some of the lessons I’ve learned have been just for me, I feel that others […]

4 Ways to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Feeling comfortable in your own skin isn’t about what you look like. It’s about loving who you are. With social media selfies of seemingly perfect people, it’s hard not to compare yourself to what looks like a picture of perfection. Not to mention the fact that with technology, digital photographers can actually create the perfect […]

6 Reasons to Love the Life You’re Already Living

Have you ever struggled to love the life you’re living? With social media and selfies giving us a peek into the lives of others, sometimes it’s hard to love your life when someone else’s looks so much better. But real life is beyond the perfect pictures and posed selfies. I can promise you that no […]

I Met 100 People During a Pandemic Through Podcasts

As I set out to write a book, I had no idea of the power of podcasts to better share my story. When I published my book, The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You, the entire world was right smack dab in the middle of a lockdown due to the Covid pandemic. You have to admit that my […]

5 Hard Things About Being a Mom

Being a mom is difficult to express in words. “Have a kid,” they said. “It will be fun!” they said. And while “they” were right, being a mom is also the hardest job I’ve ever had. Here are the five hardest things I’ve discovered about being a mom. There is no handbook for motherhood. Without […]

Live Your Best Life in 10 Easy Steps

Are you ready to live your best life? The journey to a better tomorrow begins with the steps you take today. Life is hard and the world seems upside down right now. There are so many societal pressures, economic pressures, and even the challenging pressures of day-to-day living that give us the feeling that we […]

4 Reasons We Need to Stop Being So Hard On Ourselves

Being hard on ourselves is something most of us do without even really thinking about it. For years this was a serious struggle for me. I would not give myself a break. Every morning, looking in the mirror, I would be constantly disappointed and unhappy with what I saw. It wasn’t just my body image—it […]

Live Life Authentically Simply By Being You

To live life authentically means embracing those things that are uniquely you. Sometimes it even means discovering those interesting things about yourself that you never knew before. Writing a book was never on my to-do list. It’s not that I never wanted to do it—I just didn’t think about it all that much. But as […]

Facing Challenges Head-On: Abundantly Clear Podcast

Everyone will face challenging times in life. And how we face those challenges will largely determine our outcome. But regardless of who we are, facing challenges head-on really comes down to mindset. This means remembering that everything you’ve done in your life up to this point has brought you to exactly where you are. Every […]

Valuable Advice for Living an Extraordinary Life

We can all live an extraordinary life just by being who we are. This is my message to the world. Last month I was honored to have my story featured on The Know Women’s website. Know has a global membership of amazing authentic women who are internationally known as leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs. I love […]