Are You Spending Quality Time With the Ones You Love?

Time is a valuable commodity, which makes quality time even more important.

Too often, we let distractions and other less-important activities get in the way of our relationships with those we love.

I get that life is busy, and there are always so many things to do. But as we move into the summer months, I hope that we are all making plans to spend some quality time with the people we love.

Quality time with friends and family strengthens our connections.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to travel to Napa, California, to spend some quality time with my husband, Rob, our son, Jacob, and his girlfriend, Abby, and some friends of ours from college.

We started making these trips nearly ten years ago where we met up in Napa to enjoy some good wine and even better conversation.

Our trip is something that I’m very grateful for, not necessarily for the wine (although I do really like the wine) but for the friendship, the connection, and the quality time we get to spend together.

I’m sure we all have those people in our lives who we carry in our hearts because they have helped to shape us into who we are.

When you’re younger, and you meet new people, you never know where your path together is going to take you. I was fortunate enough to meet someone in college who I’m still very close with today.

We don’t always have time to talk every month, but when we come together, it’s like we’ve never been apart. She is a powerhouse and is definitely someone who has shaped my life.

As a partner of a big accounting firm, she set her goals, and she has stuck to them. Watching her become the incredible woman she is has been so inspiring for me—and she continues to inspire me.

No matter how much time or space separates us, she will always be an important part of my life.

It’s not about the quantity of time, but the quality.

On this year’s trip, we also had the opportunity to travel with my friend’s brother and sister-in-law. We only get to travel with them every few years. But they are amazing people, and whenever we see them, we pick up right where we left off.

We are always so appreciative of our time together instead of being upset that our time together is never long enough. We are really just grateful for every moment.

It’s about treasuring the moments we do have instead of being sad about the moments we don’t. In other words, it’s about spending quality time together and making the best of the time we have.

This is especially true when it comes to this year’s trip to Napa because we were also able to share the experience with our oldest son and his girlfriend.

Quality time with my children is important even when they are adults.

This is the first time we have taken one of our kids on this trip, and it was such a great thing for us as parents to see him enjoying life as an adult.

He’s no longer the kid we have to tell to brush his teeth or do his homework. He is now the kid (well, actually, the adult) who is paving his own way.

As a parent, this is such a great thing to see.

The more I watch him grow, the more grateful I am for the opportunities I’ve had to share with him. I am better because of him.

This goes for all my children. Each of them has helped make me who I am and enriched my life.

Even while on our trip, Ari was in charge of taking care of Mili and Noah while we were away, and everything went really smoothly.

Ari was there to take them wherever they needed to be. They were fed, and the house was clean when we came home. What more can you ask for as a mom?

I am grateful for each one of my children and how they enrich my life.

Although I feel our time together is becoming less and less as the children get older, it’s the quality of our time together that is precious to me.

Quality time with my spouse makes every day better.

Spending time with my husband is always something I treasure. He is someone who has completely shaped me as a human being.

We’ve been together for 33 years, and we’ve been married for 30 of those years.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today without him right next to me.

I am really grateful for my friends, my family, my extended family, and everyone who has helped me see the world a little bit differently.

The people we spend time with shape us into who we are.

Quality time with those we love is important. They are the people who help to shape us into who we are and the person we will one day become.

I’m definitely a better person for the people that I’m surrounded by.

I have learned valuable lessons about myself and the world around me by making the time to connect with others and build relationships that are strong and deep.

Every relationship I have is meaningful to me, and I am grateful for each one. And even though my time is limited and spread thin, I find it incredibly valuable for me to intentionally make time for the ones I love.

Quality time doesn’t have to be hours or days to be effective. It can be a 15-minute phone call, a chat over coffee, or a conversation through text.

It’s about acknowledging those who have helped to shape you into who you are and showing them how grateful you are for them by giving them your time—something that is precious for all of us.

Who are you grateful for?

Expressing your gratitude for the people you love is a worthwhile practice that will change your life and theirs.

Focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective toward the positive aspects of your life.

And more specifically, acknowledging the people and experiences that have positively impacted you can create a sense of optimism and appreciation for the world and people around you.

Not only can this lead to a more positive and fulfilling outlook on life, but when you cultivate gratitude for the people who have shaped you, it can deepen your relationship and strengthen the friendship you have with each one of them.

My challenge to you is to think about all those who have shaped your life and who have helped make you who you are.

Choose five people to reach out to.

Send a text, make a phone call, or write a letter and tell them how much you appreciate them. Help them know how grateful you are for all they have done to shape your life.

Make it a point to spend some quality time with them and thank them for being who they are.

I promise you that if you do, it will bless your life and theirs.

Our accomplishments and successes are often built upon the contributions and opportunities provided by others.

And the more quality time we spend with those who have impacted our lives, the greater their impact will be.

Time really is precious.

The greatest thing we can do with our time is to intentionally spend it with the ones we love, gratefully acknowledging that they will always be an important part of our journey.    

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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