Live Your Best Life By Making Every Moment Count

I have discovered that to live your best life, it’s not about a destination—it’s about the moments.

It’s about making every moment count and finding joy in the little things.

This week I am in Sweden with my family. Not everyone could make it because Olivia and Jacob had to work. But everyone else is here together.

Each summer, we have the opportunity to travel with my best friend from college.

We’ve been going on these adventures together for the last ten-plus years. And some of our best moments are made on these trips.

In these moments, we are truly living our best life.

As we explore new places, the experience is even better because we get to enjoy one another’s company.

We really have such a great time together—even as we’re just relaxing.

We don’t have to be doing a planned activity every minute of every day.

We’ve found that some of the moments we love the most are those moments where we simply sit together and have a conversation.

Living your best life isn’t about packing a schedule or seeing how much you can get done.

Instead, it’s about recognizing the moments that you have, treasuring them with the people you love, and being grateful for the experience.

Too often, we overschedule our lives and feel guilty if we just sit still and enjoy life’s quiet moments.

It’s the quiet moments that we often need most.

Right now, I am in Sweden at a lake house just outside of Stockholm, looking out on the water.

It’s quiet and serene and still.

This time of year, there are only six hours of night here. It’s daylight from 4:00 am to 11:00 pm.

I’m incredibly thankful for these moments where I can recharge and enjoy the people I’m with.

In a world that is often way too busy, I have found that these moments of stillness are essential for my own well-being.

Moments of learning and growth are also important moments.

While I absolutely enjoy the moments of stillness, I also enjoy the time we spend getting to know more about the place we are staying.

We stayed in Stockholm for two nights before we went to the lake house, and I loved getting to know the Swedish culture.

One of the coolest things for me was going to the grocery store. It’s a completely different experience than grocery shopping in the United States.

The stores are much smaller than they are in the US. And people go to the store almost every day to buy what they need for the next day, rather than going just once a week.

They live their lives much differently than I’m used to, and they even savor the moments differently.

I’ve found that so much of what we do when we travel is a learning experience.

Traveling puts living your best life into perspective.

Experiencing other cultures can help us all recognize that living your best life is completely subjective to the person living it.

My experiences are different and unique. And how others experience life is even different from one country to the next.

Going back to the grocery store experience here in Sweden, it is vastly different from what I am used to.

On the very first day, we went grocery shopping for the eleven people in our travel party. We bought enough food that would last us three or four days.

We had a friend with us who was from Sweden, and he was shocked by the amount of food we purchased. He told us, “I’ve never seen anyone buy so much food in my life.”

The way we do things may be different. But that’s one of the most amazing parts of the travel experience.

No matter where we go, who we are with, or how different our lives are, when we are together, we can enjoy the moments that are given to us.

To live your best life, it’s less about what you’re doing in the moments and more about how you’re making the moments count.

We need to allow others to live their best life, too.

Seeing how different people live is often eye-opening to me.

Even seeing the different foods in the store and noticing what they lacked that we were used to eating was a great learning experience.

For example, they don’t have cottage cheese in the stores in Sweden. We went to three stores, and not one of them carried cottage cheese.

It’s important for us to understand that different people live differently. But we can learn to appreciate how other countries and cultures do what they do.

It’s about enjoying the moments and trying new things, and living your best life because you are willing to explore.

It’s also about giving others space to live their best life, too—even if it looks different than yours.

Every day we should enjoy the moments that we are in.

Whether we are at home or abroad, the most important thing we can do is enjoy the moments that we are in.

Whether we are in moments of stillness or on an adventure trying new things, every moment matters—especially when we’re with the ones we love.

Let go of your expectations of what you think you ought to be doing. Forget about how you think the world around you should be.

Enjoying the moment is about letting go of what you think needs to change and finding joy in what is.

My hope is that we are so content with how we are living our lives that we let go of any expectations of how things should be.

That contentment will come because we are living in the moment and truly experiencing everything life has to offer.

When we live our life in this way, we truly understand who we are, appreciate where we are, and find joy in what we’re doing.

And we become the very best versions of ourselves.

How are you living your best life?

Now is the time for you to evaluate how you are spending your precious moments.

Are you living your best life? If not, what can you do today to change that?

How can you make the best of the moments you have this very day?

How can you help others to live their best life?

I promise you that as you live your best life, it will inspire others to do the same.

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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