Finish Strong: Why December Is the Best Time to Keep Growing

You know that feeling when December rolls around again, and everyone seems ready to hit pause?

Somehow, there’s this unspoken rule that once the holiday lights go up, we can just coast until the New Year.

We tell ourselves, “I’m just going to wait until January to create a New Year’s resolution or to start something new.

But what if that’s the biggest mistake we’re all making?

December Is the Time to Keep Moving Forward

Why do we have to wait for January 1st to create a goal and make a resolution?

What if December is actually the perfect month to ramp up your efforts, set new goals, and refuse to let the year fade out quietly?

Think about it—waiting until January gives you an excuse. It says, “I can’t change now. I must wait for a magic day on the calendar.”

What’s more, if you were to look at the statistics, the majority of New Year’s resolutions fail because you’ve trained your brain to think that the only time you can set a yearly goal is January 1st.

But why can’t you do the same thing in December? Why can’t you start a year-long goal in March, for that matter?

The truth is, you hold the power to start anytime you want—right here, right now, in December.

I invite you to think about December as a time to really move forward rather than waiting until 2025 comes around.

By starting now, you’re building momentum that will carry you into the New Year with strength and purpose.

Don’t Let December Pass You By

I get it—December is filled with distractions, from holiday parties to travel plans.

You’ve worked hard all year long, and there is a strong urge to just kick back and relax the last few weeks of the year.

I am a firm believer that it is important to enjoy the moments and find joy in the season. But that doesn’t have to be at the expense of your goals.

If you have a project you’ve been putting off, why not tackle it now?

Need to finish a creative piece of work, start a fitness routine, or learn a new skill?

December is your secret weapon.

While the world sleeps on its goals, you’ll be making strides.

Every step you take this month is a step ahead of the crowd that’s waiting for a different date on the calendar to give them permission to start.

So, what am I doing this month?

While the lights are up, I will be finishing writing my second book.

During the holiday season, I am amping up my podcast.

And I’m booking more speaking engagements.

For the entire month of December, I’m really focused on ending this year as strong as possible.

Break The Negative Habit Cycle

I know that sometimes it’s hard when you get to the end of the year, and it’s the holidays. People want to take time off for the holidays—and that’s okay.

But there are still plenty of days in December that aren’t holidays.

Before the holidays start, there’s no reason why you can’t continue with the work you’re doing to improve yourself.

Don’t make an excuse. Just keep moving forward.

Growth happens when you don’t give up.

I get that it’s much easier to say, “Oh, I’ll just pick it back up again next year.

But that’s a habit.

We often think of habits in terms of diets or workouts, but there’s another kind of habit—the habit of waiting, of making excuses, of saying “later.”

If you always wait for “next time” or “next year,” you train your brain to delay your dreams.

That’s a habit, too, and it’s not helping you grow. That’s because when you create a negative habit, it’s incredibly hard to break.

So, this December, I’m inviting you to flip the script.

Show yourself that you don’t need a new year to become a better version of you.

Instead, create a positive habit of taking action right now.

If you’re nervous or stuck, remember that progress doesn’t require perfection—it only needs persistence.

The more you do now, even if it’s small steps, the easier it will be to keep going in January and beyond.

End the Year with Purpose

Maybe you’ve had a tough year.

Maybe things didn’t go as planned.

Or maybe you’ve achieved some of your goals, but you want to finish even stronger.

December is a great time to tie up loose ends and feel good about it.

Do the work. Keep going. Accomplish what you want to do in this last month of December.

Even if you don’t complete everything, you’ll have set the stage for a strong start next year.

And what’s more, you won’t be beginning from zero.

You’ll be carrying the momentum you created in December right into the New Year.

Your Simple Plan for December

Before the year ends, I’m inviting you to do these three things this December.

Write It Down

First, list what you want to accomplish before the end of the year.

Be specific—maybe you want to finish reading a certain book, learn a new recipe, or complete a work project.

Take One Step

Once you have your goal, break it down into a small step you can do right now.

It could be setting aside 30 minutes a day to work on it or reaching out to someone who can help you.

Celebrate Your Effort

At the end of each small step, pause and feel proud.

Even if you’re not done with the whole goal, you’ve made progress.

Progress feels good, and it encourages you to keep going.

Give Yourself Permission

If you don’t finish everything, that’s okay.

The world doesn’t end on December 31st.

It rolls right into January, and you can keep building on what you started.

The key is that you didn’t wait for permission from the New Year.

You gave yourself permission right now.

This December, don’t just watch the days go by.

Don’t shrug and say, “I’ll do it next year.”

Start something now. End the year strong, and carry that strength into everything that comes next.

Stop waiting for the perfect date on the calendar, and remember—you already hold the power to make changes today.

So go out there and make it happen for yourself.

That’s exactly what I’ll be doing this December.

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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