The Positive Power of Acceptance

Throughout my life, I have learned the power that comes from an attitude of acceptance. Having an attitude of acceptance can change almost any circumstance and neutralize tough situations. For example, when I am sitting in traffic, I can get upset, or I can accept what is and listen to a good podcast or look […]

Why Grace is My Word of the Year

At the end of every year, many word organizations come out with their word of the year. A word of the year generally sums up the past twelve months. Merriam Webster’s word of the year for 2022 was gaslighting. The Oxford English Dictionary’s word of the year was goblin mode. And the word of the […]

Creating Connections Brings a Greater Perspective

The older I get, the more my perspective of the world changes. This certainly could be because the world is changing. But I think it’s more because I am changing. The more connections I make, the greater my understanding of the world becomes.   As another year comes to a close, and I look back […]

The Importance of Receiving—Not Just Giving

This time of year is known as a season of giving for many. Although my family is Jewish, this season is still a time of family, love, connection, and service in our community. It fits very nicely with our Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Giving is an important part of a well-lived […]

The Power and Perils of Social Media

Social media is everywhere. And because social media is everywhere, we are being watched all the time. I’m not saying that in a creepy way—it’s actually truer than we may realize. Social media has become the eyes and ears of everyone. Years ago, when I was in high school if you made a mistake, you […]

The Strengthening Power of Community

My life has been impacted many times by the power of community. Even as I reflect on my childhood, I realize that I was very fortunate because of the community I had supporting me. Whether it was my friends, the teachers at school, or my Jewish community, I always had people rallying around me, helping […]

Every Thanksgiving Should Feel Like Home

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Most people have a favorite holiday. I’m sure that for many, it’s Christmas. For my sister, Halloween is her favorite holiday. She loves everything about Halloween. She decorates her house spectacularly and dresses up in crazy amazing outfits every year. She loves it so much she’s passed […]

Words Matter, Especially To Our Children

I’ve always believed words matter. I know you’ve probably heard this a lot. But I especially feel the truth of this statement as a parent. I have made many mistakes over my time as a parent. But the one thing I’ve realized with these mistakes is that it’s important to take accountability for those mistakes, […]

Experience The Healing Power of Gratitude

I’ve always loved this time of year when we focus a little more on gratitude and a little less on things that aren’t as important. To me, gratitude isn’t just for November, it should be something we are doing all year long. Each night I review what I’m grateful for, and this has made such […]

The Remarkable Power of Friendship

Friendship is one of those things that I never want to take for granted. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to a conference and meet up with some of my closest friends in the world. Most of these women I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. For me, it was such a wonderful reminder […]