Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Living

Fear is a natural part of life We all have fears, especially in today’s world—fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of another pandemic, fear of failure, fear of death. There are fears all around us. Our job is to not let our fears paralyze us or dictate our day-to-day actions and behavior. […]

Don’t Let Limitations Define You

Limitations Keep You Stuck We all have limitations. That’s just how life works. I will never be a neurosurgeon like my husband, nor will I be an Olympic champion—I know my limitations, and I’m sure you know yours too. But because I know my limitations, there was a time in my life that I would […]

Live Life Authentically Simply By Being You

To live life authentically means embracing those things that are uniquely you. Sometimes it even means discovering those interesting things about yourself that you never knew before. Writing a book was never on my to-do list. It’s not that I never wanted to do it—I just didn’t think about it all that much. But as […]

Yes You Can! Ignore the Naysayers in Life

Success generally comes when we learn to ignore the naysayers. We can accomplish almost anything if we set a goal and put in the hard work to achieve that goal. It all starts with believing in ourselves. So when I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Authority Magazine as part of their series about […]

Diversity: What Does it Mean to You?

Diversity is beautiful! As a mother of culturally diverse children, this is one message that I want to unabashedly proclaim. And every once in a while, I have a conversation on a podcast about this topic that is truly something special. That’s exactly how I felt about the conversation I had with Rodney Campbell and […]

Facing Challenges Head-On: Abundantly Clear Podcast

Everyone will face challenging times in life. And how we face those challenges will largely determine our outcome. But regardless of who we are, facing challenges head-on really comes down to mindset. This means remembering that everything you’ve done in your life up to this point has brought you to exactly where you are. Every […]

Lessons Learned Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

I was honored to be featured on Liz Sumner’s I Always Wanted To podcast to discuss climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. It was a unique trip because it wasn’t just about climbing a mountain—it was about doing it for charity. Along with sixteen strangers, I […]

Valuable Advice for Living an Extraordinary Life

We can all live an extraordinary life just by being who we are. This is my message to the world. Last month I was honored to have my story featured on The Know Women’s website. Know has a global membership of amazing authentic women who are internationally known as leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs. I love […]

The Quiet Warrior Show – Challenges and Success The Quiet Warrior Show helps seekers, top leaders, find their pathway to higher happiness and success. A combination of interview with leaders who tell their heroic stories of success and challenges/failures along the way makes this a show like no other. Hear leadership talks on how to find purpose in life, take action and […]

Adoption and the Extraordinary UnOrdinary You

Tim Elder, Founder of Infant Adoption Guide and I discuss adoption on this episode the Infant Adoption Guide Podcast. In this episode, Simone tells her stories and shows us how to choose to find inspiration and happiness on our adoption journey. She shares about her realization that adoption challenges are just a part of your […]