Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself

Promises are hard, right? I mean, I want to promise things on a regular basis. But a lot of the time, I know that I’m not going to be able to follow through with those promises if I make them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to follow through, it’s that […]

Balancing Career and Family: Tips for Working Moms

As my children have grown and I have stepped into a working career as an author and motivational speaker, I have found that my life has become a delicate balancing act. Let’s get real for a moment. Balancing a thriving career and a happy family can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. […]

Manifesting Isn’t Just Believing

When I was in Costa Rica, I bought a t-shirt that said “Manifesting.” It made me stop and think, “What does manifesting actually mean?” What Some Believe Manifesting Is The dictionary describes manifesting as “the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real.” Manifesting is something that is crazy popular right […]

Finding Your Voice: How to Speak Up and Be Heard

Ever felt like your voice gets lost in the noise? Like you’re speaking, but no one seems to listen? I’ve been there, too. It’s a frustrating place to be, especially when you have something important to say. But finding your voice and making sure it’s heard isn’t an impossible thing. It’s something we all can […]

When Opportunity Knocks, Open the Door

When was the last time opportunity came knocking on your door? Did you answer it, or did you just continue on doing what it is you’ve always done? Too many times we go through our lives following our day to day routine and forget that there are other opportunities out there. We stay comfortable in […]

You’re Unique and Why That’s Important

Have you ever looked at a snowflake under a microscope? Every single one is different. Just like you. It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Out of billions of people on this planet, there’s no one quite like you. Your fingerprints, your thoughts, your experience—all uniquely yours. And whether you believe it or not, your uniqueness is your […]

The Art of Learning to See Yourself Differently

There are so many statistics out there about body image and how women feel about themselves. And sadly, there are some pretty horrific statistics. The most heartbreaking statistic I have found is from the Dove Self-Esteem Project. According to their research, only 4% of women nationwide consider themselves beautiful. In the United States, 65% of […]

The Importance of Finding Your Inner Calm

Inner peace. Just saying those words can make you feel calm. But how do we find it in our busy lives? It’s not about escaping the world. It’s about creating calm within ourselves. Here are some ways to find inner peace, even when life is noisy. Be Mindful by Living in the Moment Mindfulness means […]

Finding Magic in the Middle of Every Journey

I’ve recently done a lot of traveling, and it’s made me really think about the importance of celebrating the journey. Last week, I was in Sedona, Arizona. We had a delayed flight home, which got us home much later than we expected. And because of that delayed flight, I was at home for just four […]

How to Develop a Positive Body Image

One of the things I’ve struggled with most of my life is body image. It took me years before I felt comfortable in my own skin. Because of this, body image is a topic that’s close to my heart. Let’s face it: we’re bombarded with so many mixed messages about how we should look. But […]