Visiting Antarctica: The Journey of a Lifetime

At the end of December, we had the pleasure of traveling to Antarctica. It was so much fun to travel with my mom and my two oldest daughters, Emma and Olivia. Mili, our youngest daughter, was also invited because we wanted a fun girl’s trip. But Mili isn’t a fan of the cold, so her […]

Why CONNECTION is My Word of Focus for 2024

With so much going on in today’s world, and since the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel it’s fair to say that we are lacking connection both as a society and as individuals. This is why I’ve decided to make 2024 a year of connection. Connection is a Bridge In my experience, I have found that connection […]

A New Year Doesn’t Actually Mean a New You

With the start of a new year, it’s common for most people to reflect back on their “old selves” and begin a new journey of self-improvement. Resolutions are made, goals are set, and the phrase “New Year, New You” can be heard in marketing slogans everywhere. The idea that we need to reinvent ourselves each […]

How to Make the Best of Life’s Unexpected Detours

I feel that most of my best stories come from traveling because in traveling, you can almost always expect unexpected detours. No matter who you are, detours are bound to happen. And with unexpected detours, we’re either at our best or at our worst—especially while traveling. Last weekend, we were flying to Nashville from Fort […]

Weddings and Whoppers and All That Comes With Them

In the last year, we have been to three weddings. For us, that’s unusual, as it’s actually been quite a while since we’ve been to any wedding at all. Every time I attend a wedding, it causes me to reflect back on my own wedding. My husband and I have been married for 30 years […]

Six Ways You Can Thrive in Life’s Uncertainty

In today’s world, there is so much uncertainty. If you don’t believe me, just watch the news. Life is full of twists and turns that we don’t even see coming. Still, I’ve always said that life is a journey. And through the years, I’ve come to realize that the unknown isn’t a scary monster. It’s […]

The Need For Thanks and Giving All Year Long

Here we are, the week after Thanksgiving, and I still find myself in the attitude of giving thanks. Honestly, I think that’s how it should be. We can all benefit from an attitude of gratitude. If we’re doing it right, gratitude is something that can stay in our minds and hearts long after Thanksgiving day […]

The Joy of Giving Grace and Gratitude This Holiday Season

It is interesting to me that both grace and gratitude come from the same Latin word gratus, which means pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, and thankful. Last January, I posted that grace was my word of the year. And I am constantly talking about the importance of daily gratitude. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that […]

Freedom of Speech: What It Is and What It’s Not

Freedom of speech was one of the first rights added to the US Constitution. As a matter of fact, there were some who wouldn’t even sign the Constitution without a Bill of Rights. I am so grateful for the freedom of speech. As Americans, we are very fortunate to live in a country where we […]

How To Control Stress Without Letting It Control You

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do—stress is something we all deal with on a regular basis. I would even venture to say that stress is a daily occurrence in our lives. Even when things are going really well, there’s still something we might be struggling with and stressing about. So, what […]