Do It Anyway: Why Facing Your Fear Is Worth It

Facing your fear can be a scary thing—but it can also be empowering.

This week I did something that scared me.

I was at an event where they invited people on stage to share a new story they were working on.

When I heard that invitation, part of me thought, “Just sit this one out.”

But another part of me—maybe the braver part—said, “You’re here, so do it!”

And so I went for it.

Here’s the funny part: I speak in front of people often. Usually, I don’t feel very nervous.

But this time? This time was different. I could literally feel my butt muscles shaking. Seriously, I couldn’t get the trembling to stop.

Yet I stepped onto that stage, opened my mouth, and started speaking.

And you know what? I didn’t pass out. Nobody laughed at me—they laughed with me.

People smiled, and they enjoyed the story I shared.

Afterward, some even came up and said they really connected with it. I got great feedback.

That’s when it hit me—even when something scares us, we need to do it anyway.

Doing things despite our fear helps us grow and feel more confident.

Why You Should Face Your Fears

When you face your fears, even small ones, something inside you changes.

You start to trust yourself more. You realize you can do difficult or uncomfortable things.

And you become your own confidence booster.

Every time you tackle something scary, it teaches you a valuable lesson: You’re stronger than you think.

Sure, staying safe in your comfort zone feels good. But it doesn’t help you become braver, wiser, or more confident.

If we always avoid things that scare us, we miss out on amazing chances to learn and grow.

Think about it—when was the last time you did something that scared you a bit?

Maybe it was starting a conversation with someone new, applying for a different job, or sharing your opinion when you’re usually quiet.

Do you remember how you felt afterward? Probably proud. Maybe even excited.

You showed yourself that fear doesn’t have to stop you.

Doing Scary Things Helps You Grow

Doing something scary is never comfortable at first.

It wasn’t comfortable standing on stage while my heart raced and my butt muscles shook!

But the truth is, we don’t grow by staying comfortable. We grow by pushing past fear.

Fear tricks us.

It makes us believe we can’t handle something or that we’re not good enough.

But once we face the fear head-on, it loses its power.

In fact, after I finished my story, I felt incredible.

I felt stronger and more capable.

I learned again that fear is temporary.

On the other side of fear is usually something amazing—like a new skill, a meaningful experience, or a boost in confidence.

Small Steps Count, Too

You don’t have to start big.

Facing fears can begin in small ways.

Maybe for you, it’s talking to a stranger at the grocery store or raising your hand in a meeting.

Those small steps matter. Each little action makes you braver and more prepared for bigger challenges.

It’s like training your muscles at the gym. Each small weight you lift prepares you to lift heavier ones later.

Fear works the same way—the more you face small fears, the easier it becomes to handle larger ones.

Tips for Doing Things That Scare You

  • Start Small. Pick something tiny that makes you nervous and do it. Build your confidence little by little.
  • Prepare, But Not Too Much. Getting ready is good, but don’t let overthinking stop you. Sometimes, it’s better to dive right in.
  • Remember, Everyone Feels Fear. You’re not alone. Every person experiences fear or nervousness at some point.
  • Celebrate Afterward. When you do something scary, celebrate. Recognize your courage and feel proud.

The Best Moments Often Hide Behind Fear

If I’d listened to fear, I wouldn’t have gotten on that stage. I wouldn’t have shared my story.

And I would have missed out on laughter, connections, and important lessons about myself.

Fear almost stopped me.

But I did it anyway—and I’m glad I did.

So next time something scares you, remember my shaking butt muscles.

In addition to making you laugh; let it also serve as a reminder that you’re stronger than your fear.

Take a deep breath, step forward, and do it anyway.

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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