How to Trust Yourself and Make Bold Decisions

Trust. It’s such a simple word, yet one of the hardest things to cultivate within ourselves.

Trusting others can sometimes feel easier than trusting our own instincts. Isn’t that crazy to think about?

We often look outward for validation, permission, or signs, but the truth is everything we need is already inside of us.

The question is, how do we access that deep well of self-trust, especially when faced with life’s big, bold decisions?

If you’ve ever stood at a crossroads—whether it’s a career move, a relationship choice, or a leap into the unknown—you know the swirl of uncertainty that can flood your mind.

Doubts creep in, second-guessing becomes second nature, and suddenly you’re trapped in a cycle of overthinking.

But here’s the thing: trusting yourself isn’t about knowing every outcome—it’s about believing you’ll figure it out no matter what happens.

So, how do you strengthen that trust muscle and make those bold, gutsy decisions?

Here are seven ways to deepen the trust you have with yourself.

Silence the Noise

The world is loud.

Everywhere you turn, someone’s got an opinion.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

But when it comes to making bold decisions, the only voice that truly matters is your own.

Not your friend’s voice, not your family’s voice, not the countless “how-to” articles online.


To truly hear yourself, you’ve got to turn down the volume of external opinions.

Unplug, take a step back, and find stillness.

Go for a walk, meditate, or simply sit in silence.

It’s amazing what comes through when you give yourself space to listen.

Trust starts when you can distinguish between your own voice and the noise of the world.

Remember Your Track Record

Here’s a fun fact: you’ve made decisions before.

And guess what? You’ve survived them all.

Think back on all the times you’ve had to make a tough call—maybe it didn’t always turn out perfectly, but you got through it.

You adapted, you learned, and you moved forward.

Trust is built through experience.

Every decision you’ve made, every path you’ve chosen, has led you to this very moment.

You are living proof that you can handle whatever comes next.

Own that.

When doubt creeps in, remind yourself of all the times you’ve risen to the occasion.

Your past successes, no matter how small, are a solid foundation for trusting yourself to handle future challenges.

Embrace the Unknown

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: there’s never a “right” decision.

There’s no magic formula, no crystal ball that will show you the future.

Bold decisions come with uncertainty.

But what if that wasn’t something to fear?

What if the unknown was part of the adventure?

Letting go of the need for certainty is key to trusting yourself.

You won’t always know the outcome, but you can trust in your ability to adapt, learn, and grow from whatever happens.

The unknown doesn’t have to paralyze you; it can propel you forward.

It’s where all the magic happens, after all.

So, take a deep breath and step into the unknown with confidence.

It might just be the best thing you’ve ever done.

Stop Asking for Permission

How many times have you caught yourself asking for someone else’s opinion before making a decision?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation, hoping someone will tell you what to do.

But the truth is, no one knows what’s best for you except you.

Waiting for others to give you the green light keeps you stuck.

It’s time to stop asking for permission to live your life boldly.

You have everything you need within you—strength, intuition, courage.

The more you rely on your own inner compass, the stronger that sense of trust will grow.

You’ve got this, even if no one else is cheering you on yet.

Feel the Fear, Do It Anyway

Fear isn’t the enemy.

In fact, fear can be a great teacher if we let it.

Bold decisions are scary—there’s no denying that.

But here’s the thing: fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin.

What if, instead of running from fear, you leaned into it?

What if the fear you feel is simply a sign that you’re on the verge of something amazing?

Courage isn’t about being fearless.

It’s about moving forward despite the fear.

Trust yourself to navigate the fear, to learn from it, and to grow through it.

The more you do, the less fear will have power over you.

And before you know it, bold decisions will feel like second nature.

Trust the Process

Life isn’t about getting it all right on the first try.

It’s a series of decisions, both big and small, that shape who we are.

Trusting yourself means accepting that not everything will go perfectly—and that’s okay.

Bold decisions are messy.

They involve trial and error, stumbles, and victories.

But the beauty in that is that every decision and every experience is part of your growth.

Trusting the process means recognizing that you are a work in progress.

You don’t need all the answers right now.

What matters is that you trust yourself to keep moving forward, learning, and evolving along the way.

Celebrate Your Boldness

Don’t wait for someone else to pat you on the back.

Celebrate your courage every step of the way.

Every bold decision you make is a testament to your strength and your growth.

Acknowledge that.

You don’t need outside applause—your own self-validation is enough.

When you start trusting yourself, bold decisions become a part of your identity.

You stop playing small, and you start living fully.

Isn’t that what we’re all here for?

To live boldly, to take chances, and to trust that, in the end, we will be more than okay.

So go ahead—trust yourself.

Take that leap.

Make that bold decision.

You’ve been preparing for this your entire life, even if you didn’t realize it.

And the best part?

The only permission you need is your own.

Meet Simone Knego

Simone Knego is an international speaker, award-winning author and two-time TEDx Speaker. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS and in Entrepreneur Magazine and Yahoo News. Her literary contributions have been honored by the National Indie Excellence Award and the NYC Big Book Award. Simone has not only summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, but she is also the heart of a bustling household with six children, three dogs, and one husband of 31 years. As the creator of the REAL Method, Simone continues to inspire and impact teams, fostering growth, and promoting self-discovery. 

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