No Matter What Happens, Never Stop Trying

Never stop trying. These are important words to live by. Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball, and all we want to do is quit the game. We’re afraid of failure, so we want to stop trying. But what good would that really do? If you quit the game early, how will you ever know […]

Strengthening Resilience in Uncertain Times

Strengthening resilience is vital in today’s fast-paced and crazy world. I’m pretty sure we could all use a little more resilience to get through life’s challenges and uncertainties. No matter who you are—life can be hard. But strengthening resilience empowers us to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles, and thrive in the face of uncertainty. […]

3 Important Reasons You Should Do Hard Things

You can do hard things. I want you to plant those words firmly into your mind. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Through the years, I have realized how important this statement really is. We tend to play it safe in life. We often choose to do […]

How to Make the Best of Life’s Unexpected Detours

I feel that most of my best stories come from traveling because in traveling, you can almost always expect unexpected detours. No matter who you are, detours are bound to happen. And with unexpected detours, we’re either at our best or at our worst—especially while traveling. Last weekend, we were flying to Nashville from Fort […]

Six Ways You Can Thrive in Life’s Uncertainty

In today’s world, there is so much uncertainty. If you don’t believe me, just watch the news. Life is full of twists and turns that we don’t even see coming. Still, I’ve always said that life is a journey. And through the years, I’ve come to realize that the unknown isn’t a scary monster. It’s […]

Overcome Life’s Challenges By Mastering Resilience

With hurricane season upon us here in Florida, my mind often comes back to the power of resilience. I am always amazed at how the community bands together to face any challenge head-on. I have learned that resilience is the cornerstone of overcoming challenges. It’s the ability to bend without breaking and to adapt in […]

Patience: Your Ultimate Travel Companion

Summer is a time of year when people love to travel. Kids are off school, and parents often make plans to take fun family adventures. This year there are even more people traveling than in previous years. The TSA announced on July 1st that they had the highest-ever number of passengers screened in a single […]

Resilience is Key to Weathering Life’s Storms

Resilience is more than just a catchphrase. It’s a skill we all need in today’s ever-changing world. We’ve all found ourselves in challenging situations. After all, we just lived through a pandemic which was a global challenge that we’re still recovering from. Then there’s the war between Russia and Ukraine, the ridiculous gas prices, high […]

7 Secrets to Finding the Joy of Life

With so much craziness happening in today’s world, we all need to discover the joy of life. The never-ending flow of negative news in our lives can leave many feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and fearful. The antidote to these emotions is discovering the joy of life—that thing that brings you the greatest happiness and makes life […]