The Importance of Finding Your Inner Calm

Inner peace. Just saying those words can make you feel calm. But how do we find it in our busy lives? It’s not about escaping the world. It’s about creating calm within ourselves. Here are some ways to find inner peace, even when life is noisy. Be Mindful by Living in the Moment Mindfulness means […]

Take Time to Acknowledge What You’re Grateful For

What are you grateful for? That may be a difficult question for some, especially in today’s world. But I really want you to think about it. What are you grateful for? May has been a really good month for me, and it will continue to be. I’m really grateful for that. My oldest son got […]

The Joy of Giving Grace and Gratitude This Holiday Season

It is interesting to me that both grace and gratitude come from the same Latin word gratus, which means pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, and thankful. Last January, I posted that grace was my word of the year. And I am constantly talking about the importance of daily gratitude. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that […]

Live Your Best Life By Making Every Moment Count

I have discovered that to live your best life, it’s not about a destination—it’s about the moments. It’s about making every moment count and finding joy in the little things. This week I am in Sweden with my family. Not everyone could make it because Olivia and Jacob had to work. But everyone else is […]

Are You Spending Quality Time With the Ones You Love?

Time is a valuable commodity, which makes quality time even more important. Too often, we let distractions and other less-important activities get in the way of our relationships with those we love. I get that life is busy, and there are always so many things to do. But as we move into the summer months, […]

Happiness is a Choice You Make Every Single Day

In the Jewish religion, the month of Adar is considered the month of happiness. Adar is the sixth month of the Jewish calendar, and it usually falls in late winter or early spring. According to Jewish tradition, Adar is known as the month of happiness because it was the month the Jewish people were saved […]

Be Grateful For the Simple Things in Life

Being grateful is something we all have to work at. Gratitude is not something that just comes easily to a lot of people. But when we choose to be grateful for the little things, it will help us to find happiness in the big things. Visiting other places helps us to be grateful for what […]

The Importance of Receiving—Not Just Giving

This time of year is known as a season of giving for many. Although my family is Jewish, this season is still a time of family, love, connection, and service in our community. It fits very nicely with our Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Giving is an important part of a well-lived […]

Every Thanksgiving Should Feel Like Home

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Most people have a favorite holiday. I’m sure that for many, it’s Christmas. For my sister, Halloween is her favorite holiday. She loves everything about Halloween. She decorates her house spectacularly and dresses up in crazy amazing outfits every year. She loves it so much she’s passed […]

Experience The Healing Power of Gratitude

I’ve always loved this time of year when we focus a little more on gratitude and a little less on things that aren’t as important. To me, gratitude isn’t just for November, it should be something we are doing all year long. Each night I review what I’m grateful for, and this has made such […]