Enjoy Every Stage of Your Parenting Journey

Parenting can sometimes feel like a wild ride. One minute, your child is a tiny baby learning to crawl, and the next, you turn around, and they’re off to school, headed to college, or even getting married. Time moves quickly, and as parents, we often catch ourselves looking either backward or forward. We are continually […]

Saying Goodbye With a Wink and a Smile

I’ve never really been one for goodbyes—especially when saying goodbye to my adult children who are leaving home for their own adventures. Still, I know that inevitably my children will leave the nest. It’s what they are supposed to do, after all. That’s the natural process of raising children. So, goodbyes are going to happen. […]

How To Navigate Change with Courage and Grace

No matter what season we are in, our ability to navigate change is a valuable skill set. It seems that the older I get, the more I see that change is important—even though it’s hard sometimes. Change is Happening All Around Us We have a lot going on in our household right now. Olivia is […]

Things They Don’t Tell You When You Become a Parent

Become a parent, they said. It will be fun, they said. But what they don’t tell you is how hard being a parent really is. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the best thing I’ve done in my life, other than marrying my husband. Being a wife and mother are definitely the top […]

Four Things I Love About Parenting Adults

Life is Always an Adventure When You’re Parenting Adults Those of you with adult children know that parenting adults requires a different skill set than what we used when they were children. Because of this, now that four of my six children are adults, I am learning to parent a little bit differently. I have […]

Parenting Doesn’t End When Our Kids Are Adults

Everything in parenting goes through phases. And it isn’t until we move through these phases with our children that we really understand the stressors that come with each stage of life. The Beginning Years When our kids are little, our focus is simple—keep them alive. When they are a baby, it becomes our sole responsibility […]

The Positive Power of Acceptance

Throughout my life, I have learned the power that comes from an attitude of acceptance. Having an attitude of acceptance can change almost any circumstance and neutralize tough situations. For example, when I am sitting in traffic, I can get upset, or I can accept what is and listen to a good podcast or look […]

An Important Key to Parenting Adults

As the mother of both adults and teenagers, I’m learning that parenting adults is much different than parenting my teenagers. To be honest, I have the same overall concern for both my teenagers and adults. I don’t want my children to make the same mistakes I did. I’m sure that most parents can relate. But […]

Why Everyone Should Consider a Gap Year

With graduation looming, the idea of a gap year has been tossed around in many conversations. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of differing opinions. But from my own personal experience, I believe a gap year is a great idea. A gap year would have helped me reflect on my life. Growing up, my […]