Things They Don’t Tell You When You Become a Parent

Become a parent, they said. It will be fun, they said. But what they don’t tell you is how hard being a parent really is. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the best thing I’ve done in my life, other than marrying my husband. Being a wife and mother are definitely the top […]

Four Things I Love About Parenting Adults

Life is Always an Adventure When You’re Parenting Adults Those of you with adult children know that parenting adults requires a different skill set than what we used when they were children. Because of this, now that four of my six children are adults, I am learning to parent a little bit differently. I have […]

The Positive Power of Acceptance

Throughout my life, I have learned the power that comes from an attitude of acceptance. Having an attitude of acceptance can change almost any circumstance and neutralize tough situations. For example, when I am sitting in traffic, I can get upset, or I can accept what is and listen to a good podcast or look […]

Words Matter, Especially To Our Children

I’ve always believed words matter. I know you’ve probably heard this a lot. But I especially feel the truth of this statement as a parent. I have made many mistakes over my time as a parent. But the one thing I’ve realized with these mistakes is that it’s important to take accountability for those mistakes, […]