Why Affirmations are a Good Idea

Affirmations have become a game-changer in my life. According to research, affirmations can increase an individual’s well-being, decrease a person’s stress level, help to improve a student’s academic performance, and can be used as a catalyst for behavior change. But if you would have asked me ten years ago, I would have told you that […]

6 Easy Ways to Make Time For Yourself

What are you going to do to make time for yourself this year? It’s the beginning of a new year. And with that new year comes brand new days, hours, and minutes that are just waiting to be filled with adventure. But in all the adventures you are planning this year, I hope that you […]

Do You Know the Key to a Joyful Life?

A joyful life is something we all want. But as we continue to ride out a worldwide pandemic and battle with life’s demands, the joy we’re looking for is sometimes hard to find. But it doesn’t have to be. As Joseph Campbell once said, “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose […]

4 Reasons We Need to Stop Being So Hard On Ourselves

Being hard on ourselves is something most of us do without even really thinking about it. For years this was a serious struggle for me. I would not give myself a break. Every morning, looking in the mirror, I would be constantly disappointed and unhappy with what I saw. It wasn’t just my body image—it […]

Gratitude Isn’t Just For Thanksgiving—It’s a Mindset

Gratitude is what Thanksgiving is known for—gratitude for family, for friends, for good food, and for holiday celebrations. This year, 2021, marks 600 years since the first Thanksgiving in 1621. But our world is much different from the world where Thanksgiving first began. Gratitude is more important than ever. For me, gratitude is being able […]

Want Stress Relief? Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Let’s be honest, life is hard, and with demanding jobs and crazy schedules, we could all use a little more stress relief. But what if I told you that much of our stress is caused by our own expectations. When it comes to life, we each have an idea in our mind of how we […]

7 Simple Ways to Love Yourself Better

Love yourself—just two simple words but they pack so much meaning. For some, learning to love yourself may be easy. For others, it may be one of the hardest things you have ever tried to do. After all, we know more about who we are than anyone else. We know our weaknesses, our bad habits, […]

Public Speaking: Why I Love It and You May Too

The honest truth is this… Public speaking may be terrifying for some—but I actually enjoy it. It’s not just about sharing my stories and the lessons I’ve learned from my experiences—it’s about connecting with people. I love the reaction of the audience members as I share something that is very personal. My hope in sharing […]

Life is Yours For the Taking—Own It!

Life is an adventure. And part of that adventure is deciding what your passions are. I’ve had a lot of passions in life, but I struggled for a long time trying to figure out what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. It wasn’t until just a few years ago, when I […]

Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Living

Fear is a natural part of life We all have fears, especially in today’s world—fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of another pandemic, fear of failure, fear of death. There are fears all around us. Our job is to not let our fears paralyze us or dictate our day-to-day actions and behavior. […]